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£5.95 on orders up to £50


£18 up to 1.7kg

£25 between 1.7-18Kg


£35 up to 1.7kg

Above 1.7Kg will be calculated on a case by case basis

Please note that we are not responsible for any import taxes or fees that may incur.

Ethically Sourced

Our suppliers are only provide us with ethically sourced crystals.

  • Crystal Consciousness: Navigating the Ethical Landscape of Sourcing for Mindful Collectors

    Crystal Consciousness: Navigating the Ethical L...

    Introduction Embark on a crystal-infused journey where each gemstone reveals its unique energy and story. In this article, we explore the pivotal debate between ethically sourced crystals and those obtained...

    Crystal Consciousness: Navigating the Ethical L...

    Introduction Embark on a crystal-infused journey where each gemstone reveals its unique energy and story. In this article, we explore the pivotal debate between ethically sourced crystals and those obtained...

  • Crystals for Beginners

    Crystals for Beginners

    For beginners, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of crystals. Here are a few tips and basic information to get you started with crystals.

    Crystals for Beginners

    For beginners, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of crystals. Here are a few tips and basic information to get you started with crystals.

  • How Crystals Can Help with Your Well-being

    How Crystals Can Help with Your Well-being

    Discover in here how crystals can help your well-being, what to consider when choosing them and how to take care of them.

    How Crystals Can Help with Your Well-being

    Discover in here how crystals can help your well-being, what to consider when choosing them and how to take care of them.

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